理解你的 UI 作为一棵树

你的 React 应用正在成型,许多组件彼此嵌套。React 如何跟踪应用程序的组件结构?

React 和许多其他 UI 库将 UI 建模为一棵树。将你的应用程序视为一棵树有助于理解组件之间的关系。这种理解将帮助你调试未来的概念,例如性能和状态管理。


  • React 如何“查看”组件结构
  • 渲染树是什么以及它有什么用
  • 模块依赖树是什么以及它有什么用

你的 UI 作为一棵树

树是项目之间的关系模型,UI 通常使用树结构表示。例如,浏览器使用树结构来建模 HTML (DOM) 和 CSS (CSSOM)。移动平台也使用树来表示其视图层次结构。

Diagram with three sections arranged horizontally. In the first section, there are three rectangles stacked vertically, with labels 'Component A', 'Component B', and 'Component C'. Transitioning to the next pane is an arrow with the React logo on top labeled 'React'. The middle section contains a tree of components, with the root labeled 'A' and two children labeled 'B' and 'C'. The next section is again transitioned using an arrow with the React logo on top labeled 'React DOM'. The third and final section is a wireframe of a browser, containing a tree of 8 nodes, which has only a subset highlighted (indicating the subtree from the middle section).
Diagram with three sections arranged horizontally. In the first section, there are three rectangles stacked vertically, with labels 'Component A', 'Component B', and 'Component C'. Transitioning to the next pane is an arrow with the React logo on top labeled 'React'. The middle section contains a tree of components, with the root labeled 'A' and two children labeled 'B' and 'C'. The next section is again transitioned using an arrow with the React logo on top labeled 'React DOM'. The third and final section is a wireframe of a browser, containing a tree of 8 nodes, which has only a subset highlighted (indicating the subtree from the middle section).

React 从你的组件创建 UI 树。在这个例子中,UI 树然后用于渲染到 DOM。

与浏览器和移动平台一样,React 也使用树结构来管理和建模 React 应用中组件之间的关系。这些树是理解数据如何在 React 应用中流动以及如何优化渲染和应用大小的有用工具。



当我们渲染一个 React 应用时,我们可以将这种关系建模为一棵树,称为渲染树。

这是一个渲染励志语录的 React 应用。

import FancyText from './FancyText';
import InspirationGenerator from './InspirationGenerator';
import Copyright from './Copyright';

export default function App() {
  return (
      <FancyText title text="Get Inspired App" />
        <Copyright year={2004} />

Tree graph with five nodes. Each node represents a component. The root of the tree is App, with two arrows extending from it to 'InspirationGenerator' and 'FancyText'. The arrows are labelled with the word 'renders'. 'InspirationGenerator' node also has two arrows pointing to nodes 'FancyText' and 'Copyright'.
Tree graph with five nodes. Each node represents a component. The root of the tree is App, with two arrows extending from it to 'InspirationGenerator' and 'FancyText'. The arrows are labelled with the word 'renders'. 'InspirationGenerator' node also has two arrows pointing to nodes 'FancyText' and 'Copyright'.

React 创建一个渲染树,一个由已渲染组件组成的 UI 树。



React 渲染树中的根节点是应用程序的根组件。在本例中,根组件是App,它是 React 首先渲染的组件。树中的每个箭头都指向从父组件到子组件。


渲染树中在哪里找到 HTML 标签?

你会注意到,在上面的渲染树中,没有提及每个组件渲染的HTML标签。这是因为渲染树仅由React 组件组成。





import FancyText from './FancyText';
import InspirationGenerator from './InspirationGenerator';
import Copyright from './Copyright';

export default function App() {
  return (
      <FancyText title text="Get Inspired App" />
        <Copyright year={2004} />

Tree graph with six nodes. The top node of the tree is labelled 'App' with two arrows extending to nodes labelled 'InspirationGenerator' and 'FancyText'. The arrows are solid lines and are labelled with the word 'renders'. 'InspirationGenerator' node also has three arrows. The arrows to nodes 'FancyText' and 'Color' are dashed and labelled with 'renders?'. The last arrow points to the node labelled 'Copyright' and is solid and labelled with 'renders'.
Tree graph with six nodes. The top node of the tree is labelled 'App' with two arrows extending to nodes labelled 'InspirationGenerator' and 'FancyText'. The arrows are solid lines and are labelled with the word 'renders'. 'InspirationGenerator' node also has three arrows. The arrows to nodes 'FancyText' and 'Color' are dashed and labelled with 'renders?'. The last arrow points to the node labelled 'Copyright' and is solid and labelled with 'renders'.









A tree graph with seven nodes. Each node is labelled with a module name. The top level node of the tree is labelled 'App.js'. There are three arrows pointing to the modules 'InspirationGenerator.js', 'FancyText.js' and 'Copyright.js' and the arrows are labelled with 'imports'. From the 'InspirationGenerator.js' node, there are three arrows that extend to three modules: 'FancyText.js', 'Color.js', and 'inspirations.js'. The arrows are labelled with 'imports'.
A tree graph with seven nodes. Each node is labelled with a module name. The top level node of the tree is labelled 'App.js'. There are three arrows pointing to the modules 'InspirationGenerator.js', 'FancyText.js' and 'Copyright.js' and the arrows are labelled with 'imports'. From the 'InspirationGenerator.js' node, there are three arrows that extend to three modules: 'FancyText.js', 'Color.js', and 'inspirations.js'. The arrows are labelled with 'imports'.




  • 构成树的节点代表模块,而不是组件。
  • 非组件模块,例如inspirations.js,也在这个树中表示。渲染树只包含组件。
  • Copyright.js出现在App.js下,但在渲染树中,组件Copyright作为InspirationGenerator的子组件出现。这是因为InspirationGenerator接受JSX作为子组件props,因此它将Copyright渲染为子组件,但不会导入模块。




  • 树是表示实体之间关系的一种常用方法。它们常用于建模UI。
  • 渲染树表示单个渲染过程中React组件之间的嵌套关系。
  • 使用条件渲染,渲染树在不同的渲染过程中可能会发生变化。使用不同的prop值,组件可能会渲染不同的子组件。
  • 渲染树有助于识别顶级组件和叶子组件。顶级组件会影响其下方所有组件的渲染性能,而叶子组件则经常被重新渲染。识别它们对于理解和调试渲染性能非常有用。
  • 依赖树表示React应用程序中的模块依赖关系。
  • 依赖树由构建工具用来捆绑交付应用程序所需的代码。
  • 依赖树有助于调试大型捆绑包大小(这些大小会减慢绘制速度),并为优化捆绑的代码提供机会。